crouton Manjaro main desktop environment

After looking at the desktop environments closely I believe I have made a decision. I was originally going to go with E18 as the main desktop environment for the crouton Manjaro edition since it runs with a very low ram utilization, almost akin to using a stand alone window manager.

E18 seems to have issues I just cannot over look, I find the setup of XFCE + KWIN to be desirable at the moment however I may go with something different and do a old school Compiz setup because I think that may work well in terms of being light weight if it is set up as a stand alone wm.

The compiz that comes with Manjaro was designed to work with xfce although I am not sure if I want something that heavy on this system I do have enough ram for it so that may be an option.

I have a feeling to get some good custom WM’s running I am going to need to mess about a lot with some of the enter-chroot scripting.

edit: I do not think I have to mess about in enter-chroot but I may have to modify the launcher for xfce to gracefully choose between kwin, compiz or xfwm4.

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