Everything is changing. Faster and faster progression.

The new site does not look pretty at the moment but I want to get the domain pointing to the new site make development easier.

I currently have a front page, it is nothing fancy and simply has a redirect to the current blog after moving it to the hosting solution. This means that not all links will work correctly at this time. I am probably going to create a bug tracker simply to have the capability for my users to tell me things that they notice wrong with the site so I can slowly fix it all.

Surely some of the links used will point to the old edgelinux.wordpress.com that the site originally started out with, these are the sort of bugs that I will have to deal with. I have decided to not worry about the look of the site at this time and get the back-end services working nicely together first and then muck with the looks. I think that it does not matter how nice the site looks if the back-end sucks so that is the order I will work on the site.

I also got my Taxes done and that progressed my ability to buy the starter hardware 1 Odroid XU and 1 Odroid U3 for the build cluster I want to create. The time frame in which I am able to buy the hardware was pushed forward from 3-6 months depending on how much I would have saved per pay period. In the future the entire site may be hosted on the Odroid cluster on a business class internet line instead of going through a third-party host.

The reason for this is that there always seems to be something in every host that limits what you can do with your website. To cover what I would like to cover my needs would probably be a dedicated server which as per the monthly cost would start nearing or even surpass what it would cost for unlimited business class internet. The cons of this are that the speeds I will be able to afford are probably slower than If I went with a hosted package. Speeds of 25/5 are not the quickest in the world by any stretch of the imagination but I can always look for mirror services like SF to help on the bandwidth side of things were needed to keep the site loading quickly.

Since I am planning on moving the domain pointer to the new site, expect something to break temporarily. Expect entry portal to look basic and horrible at the present time. It is something that I threw together in a few minutes to point to the blog so I did not completely ruin current functionality of the website.

I also have other things that are in progress of changing at this moment that should allow me to do more on the tech side, I do not see any possibility resulting in me doing less considering I will have more time for tech. I will elaborate on what is happening in a later post, I have around a month and a half before this change actually takes place. Due to the time frame I do not feel I have enough accurate information to give you at this time, I am not sure exactly how things are going to progress. I just know I will not stop trying to improve my future which means the tech side will not be sacrificed.

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