Site status.

To be honest I was not sure what was going to happen when I switched the hosting over to the new site. I purchased the hosting but did not transfer the domain over. I find this to be the best outcome at this time because then this can be my temporary site and I can work on redesigning a new framework and layout.

I can easily point to both sites at the same time by pointing to the new site in a crouton chroot that I use for a web development environment when using my Chromebook.

I tried just importing the wordpress site on the new site but that would require a lot of fixing up in terms of the CSS and a few other things. The site just came out the other end looking significantly worse than what it does now. A blog would be a temporary measure because I do not want to go with what is just easy. I want my site to be professional and do what I really want and need, The easy solution does not do this for me as a result I have some nice future infrastructure planned.

This is the first time I have ever had paid hosting for a website, It is a little different. There is so much available and while I have gotten a tikiwiki setup it is not quite what I had assumed. It seems to perform all functionality but the layout is not anything near what I was looking for and the customization options are not quite what I would like. I need to look into what my options are and get something awesome set up!

Ill keep you guys updated on the progress of the new site. I think I need to do a considerable amount of planning for this and how exactly I would like this setup. I would like to have different services have different sub domains but I may have to set them up simply as sub directories instead. I hear there are issues with using sub domains as I have planned but I am not sure what. I know it is pretty simple to make site site/substuff site/othersubstuff.

Well I think that is all for now on the information side.

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