Site status.

To be honest I was not sure what was going to happen when I switched the hosting over to the new site. I purchased the hosting but did not transfer the domain over. I find this to be the best outcome at this time because then this can be my temporary site and I can work on redesigning a new framework and layout.

I can easily point to both sites at the same time by pointing to the new site in a crouton chroot that I use for a web development environment when using my Chromebook. Continue reading

TED Fellow Greg Gage turns a smartphone into a microscope

At TED2012, DIY neuroscientist and TED Senior Fellow Greg Gage shocked the TED audience when he cut the leg off a live cockroach onstage to demonstrate his Spiker Box – a device that allows anyone to see and hear spikes in the neural activity of insects.

A year later, his company Backyard Brains is coming up with new science education products — like the MicroManipulator, which allows you to place electrodes on tiny things. These products are affordable enough to allow students of all ages to learn about and experiment with electrophysiology, an experience previously only accessible in professional labs.

Here at TED2013, he demonstrates the BYB SmartScope – affectionately known as the RoachScope. This sturdy, portable microscope, currently in beta, uses smartphones to view, snap and share magnified objects over Facebook, Twitter and email, and costs $80 – putting cutting-edge experimentation into the hands of students, teachers and the just plain curious.

Article Source:

TED Fellow Greg Gage turns a smartphone into a microscope.


What content would you like to see in the future?

Looking to get a better idea of what my readers want so I can create posts that more people will enjoy. Knowing what type of content you enjoy helps me do that. Thank you for your participation.

Announcement – IRC Applet Link

Deutsch: Darstellung eines Beispiel IRC-Netzwe...

Deutsch: Darstellung eines Beispiel IRC-Netzwerks mit IRC-Servern (Hub/Leaf), IRC-Clients, IRC-Services, IRC-Bots und Bouncern (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have updated the IRC page containing a link to a web IRC applet, Sorry WordPress does not allow usage of embedding content for security reasons. I have also included the IRC server and channel name for those interested in using their own client.


Announcement – IRC applet

English: Icon of the IRC Client Conspire.

English: Icon of the IRC Client Conspire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am currently in progress of researching getting an IRC applet running on the site. For those that wish to join the IRC channel from your installed IRC client below is the information you need to get in the chat!


Channel: #cuttingedgelinux