Manjaro Linux 3.7 vs 3.8 boot comparison

Hello, I was talking with some people in the Manjaro IRC channel and we were talking about boot speed, I decided to take some videos and do some showing off so here you go.


Graphical Tools – XChat channel join delay for cloak security.

The default settings for XChat are to automatically connect to your favorite channels and then to identify with NickServ. For users attempting protection using IP masking via a cloak this creates an issue, If your IRC client identifies after the favorite channels connect then your IP is displayed to all of your favorite channels prior to the cloak being applied, Nullifying the effect of the cloak.

Setting irc_join_delay in XChat allows cloak to work properly.

/set irc_join_delay (time)

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Announcement – #cuttingedgelinux channel hick-ups resolved

I had some minor hick-ups on setting up the IRC channel, I set the appropriate settings and it now works as desired.

#cuttingedgelinux Webchat

#cuttingedgelinux web chat

The #cuttingedgelinux channel on freenode is now accessible via the IRC page and the right side widget.

Announcement – IRC Applet Link

Deutsch: Darstellung eines Beispiel IRC-Netzwe...

Deutsch: Darstellung eines Beispiel IRC-Netzwerks mit IRC-Servern (Hub/Leaf), IRC-Clients, IRC-Services, IRC-Bots und Bouncern (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have updated the IRC page containing a link to a web IRC applet, Sorry WordPress does not allow usage of embedding content for security reasons. I have also included the IRC server and channel name for those interested in using their own client.


Announcement – IRC applet

English: Icon of the IRC Client Conspire.

English: Icon of the IRC Client Conspire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am currently in progress of researching getting an IRC applet running on the site. For those that wish to join the IRC channel from your installed IRC client below is the information you need to get in the chat!


Channel: #cuttingedgelinux