Announcement – Technical issues.

Unfortunately I only have one machine and when things do not work properly I try to fix the issues. I was going to do some gaming videos as well as Linux tutorial videos. When I attempted to do so I ended up with black bars across my video. I ended up tracing the issue to being a driver issue and when I went to fix it my entire X broke. I usually have multiple working Linux partitions at any given time however when I broke my main distribution the backup distributions did not work correctly, I may have broken them at another time and forgot about it since I rarely have to use them.

As a result it has me looking in different directions and redesigning my partition layout and how I use my computer. I have not really used BSD in the past however I am going to take the jump and learn DragonFly BSD as well as doing Linux stuff. One BSD Install for a super stable system setup just how I like, This will probably be the system I use to create my blog videos with Virtual Box. One Linux distribution setup with the software I need that I do not mess around with too much, This distribution will most likely be the one I use to create my gaming videos. One Linux distribution that I can mess with as much as I want and do bug testing and help improve it.

Doing things in this way will allow me to do all the things I love without having my computer go down causing down time here. I really would like to get as much content as possible out to the users and help them as much as I can. I hope these changes allow me to do better without random downtime.

Thank you for your patience.