crouton Manjaro celme configs a semi-working

The configs for the celme target is working however they do need some work still. It is currently a work in progress however it seems to be working. Everything is starting to work very well.

I’ve now got it setup so kwin and cairo-dock load automatically when upon first launch. The session information needs to be reloaded because firefox is being loaded on first launch which is not supposed to happen.

The terminal when launched through cairo-dock now correctly launches the fish shell. A terminal launched from the main menu use the default bash shell.


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crouton Manjaro – target ideas.

While the vast majority of the targets in crouton do not require input I am questioning whether I should create some interactive targets for manjaro or have separate targets for different program sets.

While both have their pros and cons I do not know the correct course of action to take at this time. Automated installs are more beneficial for doing mass numbers of installs and interactive installs are nicer for being able to easily select which program sets you would like. I am thinking I could  possibly add a target that would force an interactive mode and allow modifying the default program set while still leaving the option of allowing speedy automated installs.

Doing the targets like this would allow for a mix of both automation and interactive installs. I do not know at this time if this would work but it is certainly an interesting notion!

This would allow for a single target called media to be installed. This could install VLC and Clementine as default media players but allow these to be changed using the interactive command. This could be done for a variety of different applications.

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crouton Manjaro – I broke core but I believe its fixed now :)

I was doing some mucking about to get updates working cleaning through crouton so I do not have to download and bootstrap so much. It resulted as usual in me breaking something and having to find where I broke it. Ah it is such an adventure. I believe I have it fixed now though! Just doing a test run through!

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crouton Manjaro – Looks to be working well.

The project is operational.  I am so happy the entire install > X process is finished.

Here is what I see as being left: Creating a way to choose stable, testing or unstable repository, This is easy to do, It is a case of doing an echo and a read of a variable. Next is doing a test install of each desktop environment on each repository. I could in theory do a mass install of all the environments and see what works. This may be the easier route if nothing breaks anything else.

Then I can start doing what I really enjoy. Designing some neat interfaces to go with it by creating some custom targets.

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Crouton manjaro with X ootb.

It appears that I have manjaro with X working out of the box. Yay. Now to get the pesky locale bug that I am hitting. I have only tested the E17 target but I will soon test out some of the others to make sure they work properly.

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crouton Manjaro X works!

I am not entirely sure what I did but the starte17 command now correctly launches enlightenment for Manjaro running within crouton. I think it may have been a fix I put on my crouton last night that I did not sync and rebuild. Because as far as I can tell it worked when I changed all the files back to the default behavior.

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crouton manjaro past audio target

I’ve passed the audio target on manjaro. Everything installs however X does not work… yet.

It is going to take some research on my part. It says the x server is already running so I do not think it is linking up with how crouton overlays the X environment. I am not sure where to look but I am sure I will find the issue soon enough!

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Crouton Manjaro making progress.

I did an entire recode of Crouton manjaro and it is getting further than the branch I built last night. I am getting past the portion of failure I have been at! The only issue is a conflict between gcc-libs and gcc-libs-multilib and I am unsure how to resolve this at the moment, I did a remove of gcc-libs before the other install and it failed. I will have to examine the code more closely and find a solution!


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Crouton Manjaro cli-extra working.

So I got Manjaro working in cli-extra but nothing beyond that. It was suggested to me that I switch over to the style that kali uses instead of the one that I was using. I think I am going to backup my files and migrate over to that system soon. It may resolve many of my issues and automate future patches.

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