Porteus – Power in your pocket.

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I am working on gathering content for a porteus line of posts. Porteus is a portable usb based distribution that also works off of hard drives. It is based upon Slackware and runs in a modular manner. It is easy to migrate a Porteus system from one partition to another, or even to another computer completely.

Porteus (operating system)

Porteus (operating system) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Installation is easily done from linux or windows. You can even run it from your current windows installation. It’s small, coming in at under 300 megs including 2 desktop environments. XFCE + LXDE or KDE 4.8.4 + LXDE. It comes in light and has the capability of great customization.

You can find more information about Porteus here: http://www.porteus.org

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