Command Line Interface – pwd

The “pwd” command stands for “Print Working Directory”, it shows you the current directory you are working on.


The “pwd” command is quite simple, and very useful when you open a new terminal window that was doing something such as building a package, doing things like this allows you to find out more about your system and how it operates.

Porteus – Power in your pocket.

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I am working on gathering content for a porteus line of posts. Porteus is a portable usb based distribution that also works off of hard drives. It is based upon Slackware and runs in a modular manner. It is easy to migrate a Porteus system from one partition to another, or even to another computer completely.

Porteus (operating system)

Porteus (operating system) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Installation is easily done from linux or windows. You can even run it from your current windows installation. It’s small, coming in at under 300 megs including 2 desktop environments. XFCE + LXDE or KDE 4.8.4 + LXDE. It comes in light and has the capability of great customization.

You can find more information about Porteus here:

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