Command Line Interface – man

The man command is without question the number one learning tool for how to utilize the command line interface and get the most out of it. Reading a man page is often the best way to learn how to fully utilize the tools available to you. Manual pages are available for nearly every command and is a valuable resource for anyone wishing to learn more about the command line. One of the wonderful things about Linux is that if you are willing to learn, you can have your Linux teach you by using the man command!

man (command name)

man (command name)

Here is a manual page invocation for the ls command, the general syntax for the man command is “man <program name>”. Learning Linux can be fun when you can find the information you need to do the things you want to do. A man page will tell you what the syntax for the command usage is as well as common usages of the command. It will also tell you every flag with a description of what that flag does.

Command Line Interface – cd

The cd command allows you to change the current working directory, I consider it one of the bread and butter command line interface programs.

The cd command

Without the cd command we would not be able to migrate from one directory structure to another within the Linux command line, thus it is extremely useful to anyone using the command line interface in Linux. The /dev/sd* files shown in the last command refer to the partitions on the device.

Command Line Interface – ls

The ls command is one of the most useful commands in the Linux command-line interface, it lists the structure within the current working directory, this is non-recursive (which means it will not include the structure within any directories in the current working directory), excluding hidden files that start with a period unless otherwise specified. I would suggest running the commands “man ls” and “info ls”, These documents cover the entire scope of all flags and options  the ls command can use, which is beyond the scope of this article.

ls usage.

Different usage for the ls command

The first command is ls without any of the optional flags, it displays a very basic structure. Continue reading

Chakra Gnu/Linux – Apper

This posting is about a handy little front end to pacman called apper. This is a temporary solution made available by the Chakra developers, They are creating their own graphical front end tool for Chakra Linux because nothing currently available works well enough.

Start off by opening up a konsole terminal and type Continue reading

Chakra GNU/Linux – Bundles

Chakra uses what are called bundles for programs that are not KDE specific but are popular in the Linux Community. Installing, Removing and Running programs are all quite simple using the Bundle Manager.

From the Kmenu click on Bundle Manager.

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Chakra GNU/Linux – Virtualbox Guest Additions

The resolution in the screenshots of my posts has not been spectacular thus far, the primary reason for this has been that I have not installed Virtualbox Guest Additions. The screenshots in future posts should have a better resolution.

Since the screenshot program refused to take a screenshot of me mounting the guest additions image, I will have to describe how to get to the point in the screenshot.

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Announcement – Upgrading Navigation Formatting

I am going to be updating the navigation capabilities of In the future I want this blog to work well as a guide for new users, with that goal requires easy navigation among the differing sections of information available.  All Posts and Pages have been upgraded for navigation in this manner. Many of the pages are still being updated within the Index section, I am diligently working to get the site fully updated with information regarding many Linux related topics. I am aware of the issue with the screenshots loading properly and will be checking out the issue to get it resolved.

In this screen shot of my blog you will see at the top of the entry. The Feed link should always follow to the Home section of The Index link should always link to the index section where all information is sorted into categories. The Linux Distributions link should always take you to the Linux Distributions section with the differing Linux distributions sorted, However when you are on the Linux Distributions section of the page and you then click the Linux Distributions link it will open in a new link. Every posting posted with the Chakra link will bring you to the Chakra page, Linking to other useful information in regards to Chakra Linux. Clicking the Chakra link while on the Chakra page will bring you to the Chakra Linux website.

Chakra GNU/Linux – First Pacman System Update

I have had issues with the automatically selected mirrors that rankmirrors sets in the defaults. I prefer to use the mirrors that are closest in distance to myself. You can Access Konsole from the Kmenu button, Pressing Alt + F2 and typing Konsole.

To show some of the versatility of the Konsole browser I decided to open a tabbed window with split screen usage, This is the same as having two terminals side by side.

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Porteus – Power in your pocket.

Feed > Index > Announcements

I am working on gathering content for a porteus line of posts. Porteus is a portable usb based distribution that also works off of hard drives. It is based upon Slackware and runs in a modular manner. It is easy to migrate a Porteus system from one partition to another, or even to another computer completely.

Porteus (operating system)

Porteus (operating system) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Installation is easily done from linux or windows. You can even run it from your current windows installation. It’s small, coming in at under 300 megs including 2 desktop environments. XFCE + LXDE or KDE 4.8.4 + LXDE. It comes in light and has the capability of great customization.

You can find more information about Porteus here:

Enhanced by Zemanta

Chakra GNU/Linux – Kapaudan

Upon booting and logging into Chakra for the first time you are greeted with information about Chakra, this is a program called Kapaudan. It will give you quite a bit of information about chakra and assist you with a few nice to have setting modifications.

What is Chakra? Well here is some information on the slide. Next button whenever you are ready.

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Chakra GNU\Linux – Tribe (System Installation Software)

Now we will go through a 64-bit Chakra GNU/Linux installation screen by screen in a manner that newcomers and veterans alike can easily understand.

Select the Language of your choice from the menu.

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Chakra GNU/Linux – Amazing

Hello, Recently I found a Linux distribution called Chakra GNU/Linux. It uses the K Desktop Environment only. My first series of posts are going to be using Chakra and setting KDE up for a efficient and proficient desktop environment. The KDE related posts should be valid for any linux distribution using KDE. Here is some information on Chakra and why I like it.

Chakra is semi rolling release, a pleasant mix of Stability and Bleeding-Edge software. Originally ArchLinux based, Now an independent fork.Additional reviews and information available here. Download of Chakra available here. I find KDE to be quite feature full and increases my work flow productivity. Chakra has an excellent package manager and an amazing community repository where you can find many pieces of software packaged by both Chakra and Archlinux users. Chakra also boast an excellent wiki.

I love linux.

I love Linux, but I come across a lot of problems with it. I am going to start keeping track of some of the funky things that happen. Doing Linux reviews of different software and distribution’s including ideas on how these distributions could improve.